2023 Potential Alimony Reform In FL

If you have been following state news in recent years, you have likely heard about attempts to change Florida alimony laws. While there have been reform votes, three prior attempts were vetoed. But now, in 2023, a fourth effort will be voted on by the state Senate.
Whether you are concerned about the security of your current alimony payments or want to talk through what level of alimony payments are possible for you as you move toward a Florida divorce, speak to an Orlando divorce lawyer.
Alimony Reform Supporters and Opposers
The basic battle between supporters and opposers of Florida alimony reform is if permanent alimony, which is currently in place in the state of Florida, can continue or not. While there are other changes as part of the reform effort, permanent alimony is often the central debate.
For example, there is an advocacy group called the First Wives Advocacy Group that has been pushing to keep the alimony laws that are already on the books in place. Which makes sense, because there are people who have been divorced for years but they are still relying on their spousal maintenance payments. If permanent alimony were to end, a portion of the population would experience a huge shift to their personal finances.
Individuals who want alimony reform are pushing to have modifications in place when an ex-spouse wants to retire, for instance. While those who are opposed to reform want the alimony payments set, whether their ex-spouse chooses to retire or not. Supporters of reform include many professionals who assert that they are not able to retire when they want to because of their lifelong obligation to pay alimony to their ex-spouse.
Permanent Alimony, Equitable Distribution, and Rehabilitative Alimony
Part of the debate around alimony reform is connected to the equitable distribution rules of Florida divorce. Some argue that a person being awarded permanent alimony is a way for a judge to grant the spouse an equitable distribution of the marital assets. So, if there were changes to the structure of permanent alimony, it might result in that person no longer having their fair share of marital assets, years after a divorce was finalized.
Beyond permanent alimony, the 2023 alimony reform would also set time limits on rehabilitative alimony. Essentially, this would put a calculation in place that would determine how long an ex-spouse could receive alimony, and that calculation would be connected to the length of the marriage.
With so many changes being debated when it comes to Florida family law, it is essential you connect with Orlando divorce lawyer who can inform you of what divorce agreement is in reach if you decide to divorce now and what could happen if alimony laws in Florida change.
Have you heard about 2023 alimony reforms and are wondering how they will impact you? Legal experts are available to answer all of your divorce and alimony questions. Talk to the family law attorneys at Donna Hung Law to learn more. Call 407-999-0099 or contact us online to schedule a fee-free initial evaluation.