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Monthly Archives: June 2023


2023 Potential Alimony Reform In FL

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you have been following state news in recent years, you have likely heard about attempts to change Florida alimony laws. While there have been reform votes, three prior attempts were vetoed. But now, in 2023, a fourth effort will be voted on by the state Senate. Whether you are concerned about the security… Read More »

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Can Unmarried Parents Legally Establish Parenting Time?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

In Florida, unmarried parents have legal rights to parenting time and responsibilities for their child, just like their married counterparts. But while there is a path to establishing parenting time when an unmarried couple splits up it can be more complicated than it is for couples going through a divorce. To have your situation… Read More »

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What Does Parent Alienation Syndrome Mean?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When divorcing parents have children, it is important for them to try and maintain open communication when it comes to their children’s well-being. After all, this is part of prioritizing their children’s best interests. Unfortunately, in some cases, one parent may intentionally try to turn the child against the other parent. This phenomenon is… Read More »

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