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Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Pursue Mediation or Collaborative Divorce to Avoid Court


Courtroom battles add an extra layer of stress when a Florida couple is dissolving a union, and getting divorce without going to court is not only possible but also increasingly common. If you would like to avoid court, explore alternative dispute resolution methods to minimize conflict and streamline the divorce process. An Orlando divorce lawyer can share the advantages and disadvantages of two options with you, mediation and collaborative divorce, so you can make an informed decision.

Choosing Between Mediation or a Collaborative Approach

Mediation serves as a constructive alternative to a traditional adversarial court process. If you were to pursue this method, a neutral third party, often your lawyer, will serve as a mediator to facilitate open communication between you and your spouse. The primary goal is to reach mutually agreeable solutions for all aspects of the divorce, finding areas of agreement when it comes to child time-sharing, asset division, property distribution, and spousal support.

A key benefit of mediation is that it empowers the parties involved to control over the decision-making process. When a divorcing couple is open to engaging in dialogue and negotiating with the guidance of a skilled mediator, couples are positioning themselves to develop creative solutions, answers to issues that better meet their individual needs and circumstances. Because of this, mediation fosters a more amicable atmosphere and tends to be more cost-effective and time-efficient compared to litigation.

Collaborative divorce takes the concept of mediation a step further by involving a team of professionals, such as attorneys, financial experts, and mental health professionals. Then, various aspects of the divorce can be addressed. The emphasis is on cooperation rather than confrontation, and the collaborative model encourages transparency and respect.

In a collaborative divorce, both parties and their respective attorneys make a commitment to resolving issues outside of the courtroom. Regular meetings are scheduled, and the involved parties discuss concerns and work toward mutually beneficial solutions. The collaborative process often results in more comprehensive and customized agreements, fostering a sense of empowerment and control for the divorcing couple.

Lawyers Guide Spouses Through Alternative Resolutions

Alternative resolution choices are great for couples who want to avoid a difficult, expensive court battle, but mediation and collaborative divorce may not be suitable for every situation. You and your spouse need to be willing to engage in compromise. An Orlando divorce lawyer can guide you through the divorce process with compassion and expertise, helping you find the most suitable resolution for your situation.

Who suggested an alternative distribution resolution to you? Whether you were informed of the option from a friend or a family member, know that mediation and collaborative divorce offer viable alternatives to courtroom fights. Many find that collaborative divorce models are a way to create specific solutions that fit their lifestyles and allow them to move forward with their lives. To determine the best resolution option for you and your family, talk to the family law attorneys at Donna Hung Law. Call 407-999-0099 or contact us online to get started.

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