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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


3 Steps To Take When Choosing A Florida Divorce Lawyer

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you have separated and believe your marriage will soon end, it is time for you to begin working with a family lawyer with divorce experience. While you may feel overwhelmed, there are steps that can make the process of choosing an Orlando divorce lawyer easier. Talk to more than one attorney. Before talking… Read More »

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Is Proving Paternity Possible If A Father Has Passed?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you are interested in accessing paternity information, you are not alone. Many families explore this scientific option. There is an array of reasons to establish paternity, including the desire to answer family health history concerns and to access financial resources. Monetary settlements are often required to ensure a child has the economic security… Read More »

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When Divorcing, Review Your Estate Plan

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Even when a divorce is amicable it is difficult. Life changes can be stressful, and during the divorce process many things are changing at once. While it is common to solely focus on the day-to-day planning of a divorce to stay focused and not become overwhelmed, the truth is long-term documents will need to… Read More »

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How To Find An Orlando Divorce Lawyer

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Some people have been working with a family lawyer for years so they know exactly who to call when they are considering divorce. But many others are unsure how to find an attorney who will help them through the process. Thankfully, there are many compassionate legal professionals who can take care of all the… Read More »

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Impact Of A Divorce On A Credit Score

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Because your individual credit score does not include information on if you are single, married, widowed, or divorced, changing your status doesn’t change your score. That said, many marriages involve joint financial accounts. It is essential these assets and debts are distributed fairly so that there will not be future negative impacts to one… Read More »

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What If My Spouse Is Delaying Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

In the state of Florida, you do not have to obtain your spouse’s permission to access a divorce. That said, there are plenty of situations in which one person wants to end the marriage and the other has doubts and worries about embarking on this major life change. If a person does not want… Read More »

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Heart of Florida United Way Opens Applications for Emergency Supplies Assistance for Central Floridians Impacted by Hurricane Ian

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Orange, Seminole & Osceola Residents Can Apply for One-Time Support of $300 in Wal-Mart E-Gift Cards for Food & Emergency Supplies ORLANDO, Fla. (Oct. 3, 2022) –  In response to the effects of Hurricane Ian on Central Florida residents, Heart of Florida United Way (HFUW) has opened the application for one-time assistance for food & emergency… Read More »

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Do I Keep The Same Health Insurance While I Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many spouses rely on one spouse’s employer benefits for health insurance coverage. Sometimes it is more affordable to enroll in one family plan that covers the whole family. In other situations, one of the people is self-employed and receiving coverage through their spouse’s plan makes more sense than purchasing their own coverage on the… Read More »

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Is Divorce More Common Today?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When people talk about divorce being more or less common than it used to be, they are typically referring to a set time in the past. For example, the divorce rate in the U.S. during the 1970s increased. Today, the rate is lower, but many couples also choose to live together in long-term relationships… Read More »

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Orlando Divorce And Retirement Plans

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It is required for people pursuing a divorce to disclose all of their assets when ending a marriage, including the assets within retirement plans. Whether you and your spouse worked for decades in another state and then moved to Orange County to gradually work less and eventually retire or you are in your peak… Read More »

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