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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Can Unmarried Partners In Orlando Seek Spousal Support After A Break-Up?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Palimony. The one letter word that strikes fear in the hearts of unmarried couples all over the United States. Is it enforceable? Are you really entitled to spousal support or alimony from a former partner if you were never married? Spousal support determinations are often the most contentious and drawn-out issues in divorce cases,… Read More »

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Is Therapy A Prerequisite To Seeking Divorce In Orlando?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

You caught your spouse of sixteen years cheating, and you have reason to suspect this was not the first time. They are remorseful now and promise that if you both go to couples therapy, you can work through the issues that led them to commit adultery in the first place. You know a divorce… Read More »

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Must You Pay Spousal Support To An Ex Who Refuses To Work In Orlando?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It happens more often than we would like to admit. One spouse picks up all the slack, completes household and domestic tasks, takes care of the children, and has a 40 hour job to boot, while the other spouse plays video games 24/7 or is glued to the television. They don’t contribute, and even… Read More »

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What Happens At A Child Support Enforcement Hearing In Orange County?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

You got divorced two years ago, with young children ages 5 and 3. You retain primary physical custody of both children and are supposed to receive $450 a month from your co-parent. Since the final divorce and custody hearing two years ago, he has only made one payment. Apparently, he has been unable to… Read More »

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Can You File For Divorce If Your Spouse Is In Jail?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If your spouse has been arrested, charged with a crime, or put in jail during your marriage, you might wonder, “Can I file for divorce while my spouse is in jail?” Not all spouses are willing to wait for their spouse’s release from jail. Regardless of why your spouse has been put in jail,… Read More »

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Can You Change The Venue Of Your Divorce In Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you have filed for divorce, you might wonder whether or not you can change the venue of your divorce. The venue of divorce is a physical location where divorce proceedings take place. Sometimes, parties may want to change the venue in the middle of the divorce case. But can you do it in… Read More »

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Divorced Parents Are More Likely To Settle Out of Court When Represented By An Attorney, A New Study Shows

By Donna Hung Law Group |

A new study shows that divorced parents are more likely to settle their custody cases out of court when both parents are represented by attorneys. Moreover, when both parents have an attorney, they are more likely to share joint custody, also known as “shared parental responsibility” in Florida. The new study by Custody X… Read More »

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What Happens To A Child Support Order If A Parent Moves To Another State?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When one parent decides to move to another state following a divorce, both parents may wonder, “What happens to our child support order?” Can you still enforce or modify a child support order if you or the other parent is living in another state? The short answer is, “Yes, it is still possible to… Read More »

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What To Do If Your Spouse Violates A Domestic Violence Injunction?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Millions of married individuals across the United States become victims of domestic violence on a daily basis. Florida law allows spouses to seek a temporary injunction or a restraining order when their spouse poses a threat of harm. While a domestic violence injunction is supposed to protect one spouse from the threat of harm… Read More »

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Can You Contest Service Of Process In Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Service of process is a crucial component of filing for divorce in Florida. In fact, service of process is required even when filing for child custody or modifying an existing court order. Essentially, service of process refers to serving the Respondent (the party responding to the petition) with a copy of the petition. After… Read More »

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