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Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Donna Hung

Donna Hung Named an Awesome Attorney by Orlando Family Magazine

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Donna Hung Named an Awesome Attorney by Orlando Family Magazine. Learn More >>>  

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How Long Does a Divorce Take in Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When a married couple decides to end their marriage, they usually want to speed up the divorce process to get it all over with. After filing divorce papers, you may wonder, “How long will it take to finalize my divorce in Florida?” While the answer depends on many factors, the most significant one is… Read More »

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Is There Common Law Marriage in Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many couples in Florida live together without being married, though doing so was illegal until recently. In 2016, Florida repealed the law that made it illegal for unwed couples to live together. Common law marriage refers to when a couple lives together for some time but never obtains a marriage license. Some states recognize… Read More »

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Will My Child Be Called to Testify in the Florida Divorce Case?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It’s somewhat frustrating to imagine a minor child standing in front of a judge and providing testimony in their parent’s divorce proceedings. But do Florida courts even allow children to testify in divorce cases? If you are worried that your child could be called to take the stand and testify in the divorce proceedings,… Read More »

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How Should I Respond to False Allegations During a Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When going through a divorce, some people get wrapped up in the heat of the moment to the point when they start making false allegations against their soon-to-be-ex-spouse. It is not uncommon for spouses to say untruthful things about their partner to get the upper hand in a divorce or in an attempt to… Read More »

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Is It Ever Too Late to Get a Postnuptial Agreement?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The short answer is, “No, it’s never too late to get a postnuptial agreement,” also known as a postnup. Some couples mistakenly believe that they can only create a postnuptial agreement before the wedding. However, you need to understand the difference between prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. While a prenuptial agreement is created and signed… Read More »

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5 Advantages of a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) in a Florida Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you and your spouse want to get divorced in the State of Florida, you have the option of drafting and signing a Marital Settlement Agreement, which is also known as an MSA. While an increasing number of couples in Florida are opting for a Marital Settlement Agreement when filing for the dissolution of… Read More »

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What is the Cost of a Collaborative Divorce in Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Collaborative divorce offers many benefits to people looking to end their marriage. There are many reasons why partners opt for collaborative law over traditional methods of divorce. One of the most notable benefits of collaborative law is the ability to cut divorce costs. How Much Does a Collaborative Divorce Cost? In 2020, researchers estimated… Read More »

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5 Important Things to Talk About with a Divorce Attorney in Florida

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Getting divorced is always an overwhelming and confusing experience, especially if you are not sure how to proceed with your divorce case. When consulting with a divorce attorney in Orlando, it is critical to discuss everything that could help you prevail in your divorce case. If you are considering filing for divorce or have… Read More »

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Will My Spouse Get Half of My Business in a Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Dividing assets in a divorce is never easy. But things can get even more complicated if one or both spouses own a business. If you own a business and your marriage is headed for divorce, the thought, “Will my spouse get half of my business?” will eventually cross your mind. If you own a… Read More »

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