Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Are Healthcare Costs Included in Child Support Orders in Florida?
Regardless of whether you are married or divorced, your children should always be the top priority. Besides providing shelter, food, and clothing to your child, you must always make sure that your kids are healthy and receive the medical care they need. Keeping your child’s health in check requires you to have access to… Read More »

How and When to Enforce an Injunction for Protection from Domestic Violence?
After obtaining a permanent or temporary injunction for protection from domestic violence, it may seem that you are completely safe. However, there is no guarantee that the respondent – the person whom you asked the court to protect you from – will not violate the injunction. When this happens, the petitioner – the person… Read More »

How to Collect Past-Due Child Support in Florida?
If your former spouse was ordered to pay child support but failed to meet his or her financial obligation, you can take action to collect back child support, also known as past-due support. If the other parent missed payments or otherwise fails to meet their financial obligation to provide support payments following a divorce,… Read More »

What is Marital Misconduct in a Florida Divorce?
As you may know, Florida is a no-fault state. This means that you are not required to prove fault on the part of your partner to get a divorce. However, in some cases, your spouse’s “marital misconduct” can play a major role in your divorce case. But what is marital misconduct? If you believe… Read More »

5 Timesharing and Custody Mistakes to Avoid in Florida
In almost every divorce case involving children, the timesharing schedule tends to be the most complicated and disputed issue. Most courts in Orlando and other cities across Florida want children to spend as much time as possible with both parents following their divorce or separation unless one of the parents is deemed unfit or… Read More »

How to Prove That Your Ex-Spouse is an Unfit Parent in a Florida Child Custody Case?
In Florida, courts must determine whether both parents are fit to be parents before issuing a child custody order. A parent’s fitness plays a major role in custody cases in Orlando and elsewhere in Florida. If you believe that the other parent is unfit to be a parent following your divorce or separation, consult… Read More »

Can a Married Man Prove That He Is Not the Father of His Wife’s Child?
Disestablishing paternity is always tricky, especially in the state of Florida. Under Florida’s family law, a child born during a marriage is automatically presumed to be the child of the married couple. But what can you do if you are a married man who is not the biological father to your wife’s child? If… Read More »

Can You Change Your Divorce Attorney Mid-Case in Florida?
Anyone who is going through a divorce may no longer feel comfortable working with their attorney or is simply not satisfied with their lawyer’s representation. Luckily, Florida law does not prohibit you from changing your divorce attorney mid-case. However, there is a legal procedure that must be followed when replacing a lawyer while your… Read More »

Does Your Marriage Qualify for an Annulment in Florida?
If you want to end your marriage in Orlando or other parts of Florida, there are two legal ways to do this: Divorce; or Annulment. Unlike many other states, the state of Florida recognizes annulment as one of the ways to terminate a marriage, though couples qualify for an annulment in limited cases. If… Read More »

How Do Florida Courts Handle Out-of-State Divorce Issues?
Getting a divorce is not a decision to be taken lightly, which is why you must consider a variety of factors before filing for divorce. One of the factors is how a Florida court would handle out-of-state issues related to your divorce, including division of property and child support. How does having assets that… Read More »