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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


5 Reasons to Use a Collaborative Divorce During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Donna Hung Law Group |

As Florida courts remain closed for non-essential proceedings due to the coronavirus crisis, it may feel as if you are doomed to spend the rest of the pandemic with your spouse even if you have been contemplating divorce for the past weeks or months. All is not lost for those who want to get… Read More »

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Child Support Modification: How to Reduce Your Obligation Due to COVID-19?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

As the coronavirus crisis impacted nearly every parent in Florida, many divorced parents with a child support obligation have had difficulties with meeting their obligation due to the pandemic’s significant effects on the economy. Nearly 2 million Floridians have filed unemployment claims from the beginning of the pandemic, and many of these individuals who… Read More »

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4 Reasons to Consider Mediation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The United States, like China, could see a surge in divorce filings after the COVID-19 pandemic, as family law attorneys in Florida and across the nation are reporting a significant increase in inquiries and calls about filing for divorce. According to NBC2 News, “couples are racing to courts to file for divorce” during the… Read More »

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Can You Move Out of Florida with a Child if You Have a Parenting Plan?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you are the custodial parent who needs to move out of Florida for whatever reason, you may be worried about the potential consequences of the relocation. Many divorced parents may need to relocate to a different state for a new job, marriage, or other reasons. If you share a minor child following your… Read More »

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COVID-19: If Your Child Gets Sick, Can You Make Medical Decisions Without the Other Parent?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The coronavirus pandemic has made many divorced parents wonder, “Can I make medical decisions regarding my child’s health without consulting the other parent?” The answer depends on your current child custody arrangement. Types of Parental Responsibility and Decision-Making Typically, Florida courts recognize three parental responsibility options that impact the parents’ medical decision-making abilities: Shared… Read More »

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Restraining Orders in Florida Down During the COVID-19 Pandemic, And Here’s Why It’s Disturbing

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While some people presume that more couples are inclined to get divorced during the COVID-19 pandemic, statistics show that divorce filings in Florida remain steady. A report by Fox 13 News shows that while the number of divorce filings in Florida during the coronavirus pandemic has not changed compared to the pre-COVID-19 numbers, the… Read More »

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COVID-19: Can a Parent Withhold Child Visitation if the Other Parent is a Frontline Responder?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many of those on the front lines of the battle against the coronavirus disease, including doctors, nurses, and first responders, have children, and many of them are divorced parents. But can the other parent, who is not on the front lines, withhold child visitation or take your children away from you just because you… Read More »

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Do Florida Courts Favor Mothers When Awarding Child Custody in 2020?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many fathers considering divorce are concerned about losing the child custody battle simply because they think that Florida courts are more likely to favor mothers when giving primary custody. But is that really the case? Are Florida courts biased against fathers when it comes to custody? Are Florida Courts Biased Against Fathers When Awarding… Read More »

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Couples More Likely to Seek ‘Impulsive’ Divorces During the Coronavirus Quarantine

By Donna Hung Law Group |

As 830 cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Florida as of March 22, Floridian couples who quarantine themselves for prolonged periods of time are at risk for divorce. Experts warn that married couples are more likely to file for divorce during or after the coronavirus pandemic due to self-isolation, lockdowns, stress, and… Read More »

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Why Virtual Parenting Time is Effective in the Coronavirus Era

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Divorced and separated parents in Florida and across the nation are getting used to the new coronavirus reality. Stay-at-home orders, quarantine, closed schools, and the nationwide fear of COVID-19… The coronavirus pandemic has forced parents to alter their usual child custody and visitation schedules and change routines, causing a great deal of stress in… Read More »

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