Author Archives: Jay Butchko

The Differences Between Assault and Battery
When it comes to assault and battery, although the two charges are comparable in nature and both comprise of some level of violence, the two are explicitly different from each other. In the State of Florida, assault and battery are both given separate definitions. How to Define an Assault? In Orlando, assault is defined… Read More »

Does Remarriage Have an Effect on a Previous Divorce?
Moving on from the significant changes of divorce takes time and effort, but most divorced spouses will eventually enter a new romantic relationship, and some will choose to remarry. The ramifications of divorce last way beyond the final judgment and often include obligations and rights that do not disappear simply because the marriage is… Read More »

How to Handle Trusts in Your Divorce
Dividing property in divorce is one of the most challenging aspects of the process. The more diverse the types of assets a couple owns, the harder it is to figure out how to fairly divide and value the property. One type of asset that can be particularly tricky to address are trusts. Many couples… Read More »

Does My Spouse’s Disability Matter in Divorce?
All relationships take work, and every couple will face times of challenge that will test the strength of the marriage. Adding in additional stressors, such as the disability of a spouse, can make keeping the relationship together even more challenging. Marriages end for all kinds of reasons, but a reasonable question may arise when… Read More »

Child Custody and Controlling Childcare Decisions
Dividing parenting time following a divorce or separation requires both parents to give up control when the child is with the other parent. This necessary acquiescence can be hard to extend, especially if there are trust issues. However, in most instances, each parent has authority to make decisions about the child’s daily needs without… Read More »

Holding Your Ex Accountable for Unpaid Child Support
Raising a child in a single parent household is challenging on all levels. Children rely on their parents for everything, from providing their daily needs to emotional and financial support, and the demands of single parenthood are high. Trying to meet all these demands without financial contribution from the other parent is almost impossible…. Read More »

Living Together While You Are Waiting for a Divorce
When divorce enters the picture and clearly becomes the desired outcome, the standard response in most households is for one spouse to move out until everything is finalized. This move is usually intended to preserve some measure of peace and harmony, but not all couples automatically go their separate ways once the divorce petition… Read More »

Why You Should Consider Mediating Your Divorce
The reality of divorce is very different than how this situation is depicted in movies and television. In these mediums, divorce is often portrayed as an extreme version of either two people fighting to the bitter end to keep everything they can from the other spouse, or that the couple is still close friends… Read More »

Grounds to Grant Custody to Relatives
Keeping a child with his/her parents is the default model and preferred arrangement from a legal and societal perspective. To support this standard, the law rarely allows non-parents to request or intervene in child custody cases. Thus, even family members who are routinely close to children, such as grandparents, are limited when it comes… Read More »

Can You Modify the Terms of a Divorce Decree?
Going through a divorce, even if it is an amicable dissolution is typically a draining experience. At least several meetings to reach an agreement is to be expected, which can easily stretch longer if issues become contested. Because of the time and effort that goes into the formation of a divorce settlement and the… Read More »