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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Can You Ask for Child Support and Alimony without a Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

All intimate relationships are complicated, and can expect to suffer difficult periods that test the bond between the people involved. Married couples are particularly susceptible to this type of trial, which may require a cooling off period, but not necessarily a divorce. Divorce is a big step that not all couples are ready to… Read More »

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Handling Child Custody Disputes in Other Countries

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It is easy for divorced parents to disagree about how to raise a child, as well as how much time the child should spend with each parent. Most divorced parents find a way to work out these issues so the child is not affected or harmed by adult conflict. Divorced parents are expected to… Read More »

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The Consequences of Misconduct during Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Divorce requires rehashing parts of a marriage that are painful to remember, and giving up things and places that held significant value in a spouse’s life. Some spouses become so soured by the experience, and resentful the relationship did not work out as envisioned, that they will take matters into their own hands to… Read More »

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Your Right to Access Joint Accounts in Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

By the time divorce becomes an imminent possibility in a marriage, typically, one spouse has spent a good deal of time thinking it. And, in some cases, that spouse may have taken affirmative steps to do something in preparation for his/her post-divorce life. One thing many spouses do is to drain jointly-held financial accounts…. Read More »

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Are Divorcing Spouses Always Responsible for Their Own Attorney’s Fees?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The legal process of divorce is much more complicated than most couples realize at the outset. Certain forms, completed in particular ways, must be submitted to the court and the other side at prescribed intervals. Missing any of the requirements or filing the wrong documents can delay the completion of the case, or even… Read More »

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When Parents Disagree Over Vaccination and other Medical Treatment

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Parents who share child custody generally make decisions with the best interests of their child in mind, but this intent does not mean both parents see eye-to-eye. Countless decisions will have to be made about the child’s wellbeing and development over the years, especially as it concerns the child’s health and medical care. Children,… Read More »

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When Death and Divorce Collide

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The complications of divorce are well-known and present, to some degree, in every divorce proceeding. Adding in other obstacles is almost guaranteed to make resolving divorce issues a laborious process. With the increase of divorce among older couples, an occurrence that was once a rarity is now more likely to interrupt the divorce process… Read More »

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Understanding the Financial Consequences of Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Divorce affects all areas of each spouse’s life – from where to live to parenting, but one area that is universally affected for all couples is finances. Spouses enter a marriage with clearly identifiable assets and liabilities, but these lines quickly become blurry in many relationships, as the couple starts to accumulate property and… Read More »

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Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Every divorce is different, including how the couple goes about the legal process of ending the marriage. The nuts and bolts are typically the same – file a petition, perhaps attend a hearing, and wait for the final judgment to be issued. This simple reduction does not reflect the stress and strain divorce brings… Read More »

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Unique Issues in High Net Worth Divorces

By Donna Hung Law Group |

No couple is entirely immune from divorce, despite perceived advantages of a stable home, economic success, or many years together. These factors can certainly help to sustain a relationship, but dissension can hit even the happiest of couples. Financial stress is known to kill relationships, and out of this fact, the general belief is… Read More »

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