Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Do Grandparents Have Any Visitation Rights?
The effects of divorce extend beyond the central family unit, and grandparents, being the next closest circle for most families, are equally impacted by this decision. While Florida promotes shared parental responsibility between divorced parents and frequent and continuing contact with the child, one parent will inevitably receive more parenting time, and thus, greater… Read More »

Using Electronic Communication to Exercise Parenting Time
Any divorced or separated parent who shares child custody knows how precious the time with their child is, and that the demands of work, school, and outside activities can make it difficult to exercise parenting time as frequently as the child and parent would like. Having a consistent and meaningful relationship with a child… Read More »

Can Living with Someone Jeopardize Your Alimony?
Divorce is a shock to a person’s finances, and one way some spouses with limited resources bridge the transition into singlehood is through spousal support or alimony. Alimony is, by and large, a temporary, but essential, form of financial assistance that many former spouses need until education and/or more secure employment is obtained. Alimony… Read More »

Challenging a Paternity Claim
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have, but it comes with many significant and long-term responsibilities. Consequently, before investing the time and effort into raising a child, a man faced with uncertainty about the parentage of his child may need to initiate a legal challenge to paternity… Read More »

Strategies for Effective Divorce Mediation
Hammering out the details of divorce is right up there in terms of emotional toll as the end of the marriage itself. However, the possible benefits of private settlement over court intervention are great, especially over the long-term. Mediation is one option divorcing couples frequently seek as an alternative to the highly-adversarial process of… Read More »

Fighting a Contempt Claim in Family Law Cases
Connections between former spouses can last long beyond the final divorce order. While the marriage may no longer exist, complying with ongoing obligations that require both action and cooperation post-divorce can become strained over time, often due to changes in circumstances for a party, or complications in the relationship between the former spouses …. Read More »

The Danger of Ignoring Divorce Papers
Divorce is a difficult subject, and hard to accept for many spouses. While most couples have some understanding that the end is nearing, others see one spouse blindsided when divorce papers appear. In addition, spouses who are adamantly against divorce may think that ignoring the entire process will stop the dissolution from happening. This… Read More »

Divorcing a Spouse with an Addiction
There are many reasons a marriage may not last, and addiction or substance abuse is one of the more common issues. This dynamic puts very large and overwhelming stresses on a marriage that destabilize interaction and rob the other spouse of trust and faith in the addicted spouse’s ability to do what is best… Read More »

Choosing Between Collaborative and Traditional Divorce
Divorce frequently causes couples to question a lot about their lives, and how to move on from the end of a marriage. Many different emotions will ebb and wane as the decision to divorce is made, as the dissolution process is started, and as the court officially dissolves the marriage a number of months… Read More »

The Role of Supervised Visitation in Child Custody
Children do best when both parents are fully involved in their lives, both physically and informationally. This standard rests on the presumption that parents are best fit to raise their children without undue interference from the State. In practice, this paradigm means parents are granted parenting time free from supervision by the other parent… Read More »