Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Child Custody Across Borders
Negotiating child custody is fraught with opportunities for disagreement and conflict. The farther apart parents live, the more likely they will come to odds over where the child should spend the majority of his/her time. When disputes over the terms of child custody, or the enforcement of a standing order, arise, and parents live… Read More »

Coping with Parental Alienation in Shared Custody
Children almost always benefit from having active and consistent involvement from both parents. To facilitate this dynamic when child custody is shared, both parents must be willing to work together to encourage and foster the relationship with the other parent. Parents that badmouth a former spouse in the front of their child are known… Read More »

Temporary Relief While a Divorce Is Pending
Divorces take at least a few months to complete, and this timeline assumes the parties are pretty much in agreement about all the issues. If conflict exists, the amount of time needed to finish the process could be considerably longer. However, most couples want to start untangling their collective lives as soon as the… Read More »

Locating a Parent Delinquent on Child Support
The practical realities of child custody mean one parent will inevitably be the primary caretaker for the child, and exercise a greater amount of the parenting time. All parents know how expensive it is to raise a child, and how critical regular child support payments are to fully meeting a child’s needs. However, while… Read More »

How Do Grandparents Factor into Divorce?
Grandparents play a special role in children’s lives, and often provide a gentle guidance and adoration that parents cannot due to other demands and priorities. When parents divorce, grandparents are among the most closely affected by this decision outside the central family unit, and may have concerns that access to their grandchildren may be… Read More »

New Law on Child Custody for Deployed Parents
Active members of the military on deployment who share child custody often have limited availability to communicate, and logistically, are unable to be present for events and face-to-face time until the tour is over. How to deal with this situation, particularly to ensure relatives related to the deployed parent have adequate time with the… Read More »

Why Everyone Should Consider a Prenuptial Agreement
Deciding to get married is a wonderful experience, but this decision, without adequate financial planning for future possibilities, can produce large amounts of conflict in the event of divorce. No one wants to contemplate the end of a relationship before it even really begins, but couples put themselves at considerable risk of protracted litigation… Read More »

Proposed Law Still Permits Harsh Child Support Penalties
Child support payments are significant and continuing financial obligations that can put a strain on parents struggling to meet their expenses. Few parents deliberately shirk paying this support, but falling behind due to loss of income, injury or illness can be hard to overcome. The Florida Department of Revenue and family court judges have… Read More »

Religious Disagreement and Child Custody
The tension between religion and parenting is an issue that can create a large gulf between spouses who cannot agree. Religion is one of those pivotal issues that can bring people together or drive them apart. When parents separate or divorce and cannot agree on the religious upbringing of their child, the opportunity for… Read More »

Getting a Spouse Out of the House in Divorce
When couples make the decision to get divorced, one of the first things that often must be negotiated is which one will leave the family home. For understandable reasons, the primary caretaker of the couple’s children will typically end up staying, but without a court order or some other legal mechanism to sever the… Read More »