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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Biology or Marriage: Which Wins in Paternity Cases?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Having the opportunity to create and raise a child is cited as a major achievement for many people. Parenthood is a great responsibility, but brings many rewards that cannot be fully measured. For most couples, there is never a question about who fathered a child, and the man is typically actively involved in raising… Read More »

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How to Avoid Lengthy Divorce Mediation

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Resolving outstanding issues in an amicable fashion is one the largest challenges faced by divorcing couples. Traditional litigation is time consuming, expensive and offers little flexibility in the outcome. Another, less contentious option is mediation, a process that gives spouses more autonomy and space to find solutions that work well for their situation. Mediation… Read More »

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When Spouses Disagree on the Value of Assets

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Agreeing on the value of a marital asset can provoke a significant amount of conflict between spouses getting divorced. Emotional attachment and differing opinions of financial experts are often the source of these disagreements, which can greatly complicate and affect the ultimate outcome of the case. Without an adequate valuation of assets, structuring a… Read More »

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When the Other Parent Won’t Return Your Child

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Divorced parents need to trust their child is safe with an ex-spouse, and that for the child’s well-being, he/she will be returned at the appointed time. Sharing child custody or time-sharing as it is now called is a complicated situation that is almost guaranteed to involve obstacles, even between parents with good communication and… Read More »

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Bringing Outside Financial Experts into Your Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Outside of child custody, one of the most complicated and contentious issues spouses face in divorce is the division of marital assets and liabilities. Florida law requires both parties to submit financial affidavits with the court outlining all property, both separate and joint. Florida follows an equitable division of property rule, and each spouse… Read More »

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Mental Capacity and Its Impact on the Divorce Process

By Donna Hung Law Group |

People tend to change over time as life experience and age influences how one sees the world, and these incremental changes can cause couples to grow apart, leading to divorce. The divorce process, with the complications of property division, child custody and support, is already an overwhelming experience, but if concerns about one spouse’s… Read More »

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Dividing the Marital Estate When Assets vs Income Is Lopsided

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The longer a couple is married, the harder it typically is to divide property acquired during marriage if divorce becomes a reality. Couples tend to accumulate a wide variety of assets and liabilities over time, but in some relationships, there may be a distinct lack of valuable assets to divide. This situation, while not… Read More »

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New Parenting Laws Go into Effect for 2018

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Settling child custody issues with an estranged spouse or partner is one of the most difficult issues a parent will undertake. Sharing time and decision-making responsibilities for a child with someone a person no longer wants to be around is often challenging at best, and can be untenable in some situations. Unmarried parents frequently… Read More »

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What Happens to Health Insurance after Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Paying for health care is a concern for many Americans, and most may not be able to afford necessary treatment without the contribution of health insurance benefits. Most couples place all family members under one policy offered by a spouse’s employer, and the choice is typically driven by the cost and quality of benefits… Read More »

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Protecting Your Child from the Negative Effects of Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Children do best when they have the support of two loving parents, but divorce can upend this balance, and leave a child feeling unstable and unsure of his/her place. Divorce is hard on all members of a family, but children are particularly affected due to the difficulty they have understanding the often sudden and… Read More »

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