Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Parental Alienation Syndrome Allegations and Child Custody Decisions
Sharing custody of a child is rarely easy, and conflict is almost guaranteed to occur at some point. Parents in healthy relationships are bound to disagree, and trying to find common ground when divorced or separated brings additional obstacles. Most parents realize the importance to the child of maintaining close ties to both parents,… Read More »

Resolving Disputes Over Child Support
Disputes over child-related issues tend to evoke strong emotions, as parents instinctively want to advocate for their child. Child support is particularly prone to pitting parents against one another because of the compounded issues of money and childcare. The financial element of child support can lead parents to become defensive and resentful, which, if… Read More »

Challenging a Prenuptial Agreement
Taking the time to make a comprehensive review of finances before marriage is a safe and smart step to warding off future sources of disagreement. If a couple decides to tackle this issue in the event of a divorce, they would formalize the terms in a document called a prenuptial agreement. While contemplating the… Read More »

Formulating a Parenting Plan for Child Custody
Couples, with children, who divorce or separate often make a greater effort to fix their relationship because they realize how difficult it is for children to deal with broken homes. However, once the decision to divorce is made, the complicated process of figuring out child custody arrangements begins. In Florida, how parents will share… Read More »

Basics of a Florida Divorce
When someone takes the final step and decides to file for divorce, he/she frequently wants to start the process as soon as possible so the transition to the next stage of life can begin. Wanting to get a running start on initiating the legalities of divorce is understandable given how painful and difficult this… Read More »

How Courts Handle Child Support
Parents are generally in favor of supporting their children any way they can, but may also have a reluctance to part with money they do not believe is being spent wisely or see the amount requested as excessive. Trying to pay child support on one income comes with many challenges, and divorced or separated… Read More »

Addressing All Your Mediation Needs
Family law cases unavoidably involve sensitive and personal issues that may seem impossible to resolve in an amicable or civil manner. Traditional litigation does offer the advantage of handing the dispute to a judge to decide the outcome, but it also brings the negatives of impersonal resolutions and opening the details of one’s private… Read More »

Relocating with a Child after Divorce or Paternity Case
Children generally need time to adjust to the changes that come with divorce or paternity separation, especially if relocation is necessary. It can be confusing and destabilizing, especially for young children, to rotate between living with both parents, but in separate households. Maintaining consistent contact and face-to-face time with both parents is an important… Read More »

How to Approach Divorce in Relationships with Domestic Violence
Bringing up the subject of divorce rarely provokes a positive reaction in the other spouse, but mentioning divorce to a spouse with a history of domestic violence can prove deadly for the victim. Escaping a marriage with domestic violence presents unique challenges that must be addressed to ensure the victimized spouse can safely leave…. Read More »

The Mediation Option in Family Law Disputes
When someone has a legal dispute, going to court is the first method that comes to mind for many people, but other dispute resolution processes exist that allow the parties to settle their differences in a calmer or more cooperative atmosphere. Mediation is a method that is often recommended to resolve family-related legal issues…. Read More »