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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Full Financial Disclosure and Hidden Assets

By Donna Hung Law Group |

During divorce proceedings, there needs to be a complete financial review process to ensure a fair and equitable division of assets. While this is understandable and accepted by most, there are unfortunately some spouses who attempt to hide assets, jeopardizing the integrity of the process and extending the timeline for when a divorce can… Read More »

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Shared Parental Responsibility and the Passage of HB 775

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Recently, HB 775 was unanimously voted for in the Florida House. It passed with bi-partisan support and was then signed by the Governor. This important development means the rights of fathers are legally supported, even when parents are not married. Essentially, the bill gives both parents full parental rights once a paternity acknowledgement is… Read More »

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Fortifying Your Finances for an Orlando Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Separating from your spouse is a significant life event that is likely impacting every aspect of your life, including your finances. While the emotional toll of a divorce is often top of mind, it is essential to take steps to fortify your finances during and after an Orlando divorce. Discuss with an Orlando divorce… Read More »

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Hidden Asset Warning Signs When Divorcing

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When a marriage is ending, there are often disputes between spouses about how marital assets will be divided between the two parties. While asset division can be difficult for a variety of reasons, the situation can become even more complicated when one of the individual’s attempts to hide assets in order to shield them… Read More »

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2023 Potential Alimony Reform In FL

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If you have been following state news in recent years, you have likely heard about attempts to change Florida alimony laws. While there have been reform votes, three prior attempts were vetoed. But now, in 2023, a fourth effort will be voted on by the state Senate. Whether you are concerned about the security… Read More »

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Can Unmarried Parents Legally Establish Parenting Time?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

In Florida, unmarried parents have legal rights to parenting time and responsibilities for their child, just like their married counterparts. But while there is a path to establishing parenting time when an unmarried couple splits up it can be more complicated than it is for couples going through a divorce. To have your situation… Read More »

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What Does Parent Alienation Syndrome Mean?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When divorcing parents have children, it is important for them to try and maintain open communication when it comes to their children’s well-being. After all, this is part of prioritizing their children’s best interests. Unfortunately, in some cases, one parent may intentionally try to turn the child against the other parent. This phenomenon is… Read More »

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How Hiring An Orlando Family Attorney Can Reduce Stress For The Kids

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Family tension runs high when parents are divorcing. When parents split up, it is a difficult and emotional process for everyone involved, particularly for children. Children often struggle to understand what is happening and why their parents have decided to no longer be married. As a result, they may experience sadness, anger, and confusion…. Read More »

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Mediation Services On A Sliding Scale

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When you are seeking a divorce process that allows you to have control over the terms of your divorce agreement, explore the possibility of mediation. A mediator is usually a third-party attorney who guides you and your spouse to solutions. For example, custody issues, asset division, and support concerns can be addressed. If the… Read More »

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Working Together Toward An Uncontested Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Because divorce is never an easy process, it makes sense for couples to find efficient, fast divorce options appealing, and an uncontested divorce can save you and your spouse time and money. When an uncontested divorce is possible, both spouses will agree on all aspects of the divorce, including asset allocation and property division…. Read More »

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