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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Child Tax Credits And Orlando Divorces

By Donna Hung Law Group |

One of the many important issues that must be resolved during a divorce is determining who will take tax deductions for children. This is sometimes a contentious issue, especially in states like Florida where there are no specific laws governing the allocation of these types of tax deductions. Who claims a kid on taxes… Read More »

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Find Strength With These Divorce Resolutions

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It is emotionally challenging to end a marriage, but there are things you can do to find strength and move forward. Many who have gone through the divorce process have made a difficult process smoother when they prioritize their mental health, communicate effectively, and stay organized. When you hire an Orlando divorce lawyer, you… Read More »

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Orlando Grandparents And Visitation Rights

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When a Florida couple with children divorces, a parenting plan must be established to determine custody, visitation, and parental responsibilities. In some cases, grandparents play a significant role in the children’s lives, and when so, one or both of the individuals exiting the marriage may be wondering if grandparents can be included within a… Read More »

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Protecting Assets For Heirs

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Transferring wealth from one generation to another is a high priority for many families. For example, if you inherited assets from your parents, it may be important to you that you are able to give assets to your children and grandchildren as well. But, of course, there are unexpected events that can upset long-term… Read More »

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Questions A FL Divorce Lawyer Might Ask You

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While bringing your own questions to an initial meeting with a family lawyer is an important part of determining if they have the background you need to make your post-divorce objectives a reality, it is also true that the lawyer will ask a few questions of you as well. After all, the attorney will… Read More »

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Will I Have To Go To Court To Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Separating and divorcing is not easy. Many find it to be one of the most upsetting periods of their lives and they have a lot of questions about how the process will move forward. If this is true for you, know that you do not have to have all the answers now. Instead, share… Read More »

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What About My Unique Needs For My Florida Parenting Plan?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While there are basics of what should be included in a parenting plan, there are also often specific concerns that need to be reviewed. Taking a full assessment of your parenting priorities now means you can craft a parenting plan that you are comfortable with for years to come. A desire to complete the… Read More »

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Betrayal And Emotional Infidelity

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Infidelity and other forms of betrayal have destroyed many marriages. A betrayal is when a person’s confidence or trust is broken or violated, and this can occur when a person is physically or emotionally unfaithful. In some unions, counseling allows the couple to repair trust in their relationship, but others are unable to forgive… Read More »

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What If I Can’t Afford Child Support Because I Lost My Job?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

A key aspect of parenting is providing for children. Because of this, there are rules in Florida to ensure that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. Often a primary custodial parent will access funds through child support payments. However, if the paying parent loses their job, it can have a… Read More »

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Be Wary Of Your Social Media Activity When Exiting A Marriage

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many use their social media accounts daily. They use them for work communications, to check in with family members, make plans with friends, and connect with news, activities, and entertainers. While social media posts can be informative and entertaining, active users need to be cautious about their social media activity during a divorce. If… Read More »

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