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Orlando Divorce And Retirement Plans

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It is required for people pursuing a divorce to disclose all of their assets when ending a marriage, including the assets within retirement plans. Whether you and your spouse worked for decades in another state and then moved to Orange County to gradually work less and eventually retire or you are in your peak… Read More »

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When Should I Connect With A FL Divorce Attorney?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When considering leaving a marriage, there are a lot of factors to consider. Some are worried about how a divorce could impact their income and retirement plans. Others are unsure how child custody will be handled and if support payments could be part of their divorce agreement or not. Whatever your situation, discussing the… Read More »

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Experienced Family Attorneys And Key Conflicts

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Whether you are getting separated or divorced, there are likely key issues you and your spouse are having trouble agreeing upon, such as financial concerns or child custody matters. While it is important to recognize that separation and divorce are different things, there are spousal support arrangements and child custody schedules that need to… Read More »

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Is It Possible To Exclude Phone Calls Within A Parenting Plan?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Co-parenting children isn’t always easy, but there are tools that can help you and your ex-spouse share parental responsibilities and navigate a custody schedule. If you and your former partner are able to develop a parenting plan together, it can serve as a guide and help to sidestep future disputes. One of the things… Read More »

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Beware Of IMessages And Digital Communications

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many people who rely on their Apple iPhones use iMessages to communicate with friends, family members and coworkers. While iMessages can be extremely convenient, it is important you are careful about how you communicate with your spouse as you navigate the divorce process. For instance, Apple recently announced that iMessages will be able to… Read More »

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Florida Alimony Bill Vetoed

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Recently, Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed a bill that has been debated for months. The bill, SB 1796, would have done away with permanent alimony in the state of Florida and would have been able to impact divorce agreements retroactively. In the veto letter, Gov. DeSantis cited this reason; the retroactive impact on pre-existing marriage… Read More »

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Financial Infidelity And Divorce Disputes

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Among the topics of arguments during a marriage, finances is one of the most common. Because while marriage is an emotional commitment, it is also a legal bond. When trust around finances break down, it is possible the marriage will not last. If one spouse spends money without the other individual’s knowledge, a divorce… Read More »

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How to Move Forward After A Florida Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Even when you know a relationship is no longer serving you or is not the healthy choice, letting go can be difficult. The process of divorcing can take energy and effort. After all, you need to untangle assets and debts, issues legal professionals can help you with, and set up an emotional support system… Read More »

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Different Types Of Marital Debts

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Some individuals find that initial talks with their spouse about finances and divorce are focused on assets. For example, you and your spouse may be discussing who will take ownership of the marital home or how investment announcements will be distributed. While this is an important part of the financial discussion, debts will also… Read More »

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Divorce Cases And Character Or Expert Witnesses

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Not all divorces require witness accounts. For example, if you are able to pursue an uncontested divorce, it can be an option that is less stressful, lower in cost, and will not involve connecting with witnesses. Essentially, an uncontested divorce is when the parties involved are able to agree on terms within a settlement… Read More »

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