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How Is Debt Divided In A Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Division of property and debt often becomes a cause of conflict between divorcing couples, largely because many people do not understand how debt is divided in a Florida divorce. The manner in which debt is divided in your divorce can affect your financial situation and life as a whole for years or decades to… Read More »

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What Documents Do I Need To Change After A Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Divorce can be a tiresome and stressful process for everyone involved. Often, divorcing spouses forget to change important documents following their divorce. Not all documents are updated automatically as soon as your marital status changes. For this reason, it is vital to know what documents you need to change after your divorce is final…. Read More »

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4 Options To File An Appeal After A Florida Divorce Is Final

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It is not uncommon for one or both spouses to disagree with the judge’s decision regarding divorce. Most often, when one party believes that their ex-spouse committed fraud or the judge made an error when issuing a decision, they can appeal the divorce judgment in Florida. However, the appeals process is very complicated, which… Read More »

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What Is Wasteful Dissipation Of Marital Assets In A Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

As you may know, Florida follows the equitable distribution law to divide property in a divorce. It means that all marital property is subject to equitable distribution between the spouses. But what happens when one spouse is wastefully dissipating marital assets before or during the divorce case? Fortunately, if you can prove that your… Read More »

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How To Divide Offshore Accounts And Overseas Property In A Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Florida is home to hundreds of thousands of people with overseas property and businesses in foreign countries, not to mention that many residents have significant assets in offshore accounts due to tax advantages. However, when people who have overseas properties decide to end their marriage, the property division process can get complicated. You Need… Read More »

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How To Create An Age-Appropriate Parenting Plan After A Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

One of the most challenging parts of a divorce is having to spend time apart from your kids. However, divorced parents are encouraged to create parenting plans to make sure that the children spend time with both parents following a divorce. While anyone can create a parenting plan, it is vital to make sure… Read More »

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What Happens When Collaborative Divorce Does Not Work?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Using collaborative law to get a divorce offers many benefits. To name a few: Collaborative divorce is less expensive than traditional litigation, it can help you finalize your divorce faster, and you can enjoy enhanced control over the process. An increasing number of couples in Florida opt for collaborative divorce as a cheaper, less… Read More »

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Surrogacy In Florida: Does The Surrogate Mother Have Any Parental Rights?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While surrogacy is legal in Florida, many people do not understand how the process works. “Does the surrogate mother have any parental rights?” is one of the most common questions regarding surrogacy. If you are considering becoming a surrogate mother or a parent through surrogacy, consult with an experienced attorney to help you navigate… Read More »

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How To Rebuild My Credit Score After A Florida Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Getting divorced can be both costly and time-consuming. In addition to all the expenses, court costs, and attorney’s fees, a divorce may also affect your credit score. However, it is critical to take steps to protect and rebuild your credit score following a divorce. You need to speak with an Orlando divorce attorney to… Read More »

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How Long Do We Have To Be Separated To File For Divorce In Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The decision to file for divorce is not an easy one. However, you may not be able to get a divorce immediately after deciding to end your marriage. Many states require couples to be separated for a certain period of time – usually between 6 months to a year – before filing for divorce…. Read More »

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