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Will My Spouse Get Half of My Business in a Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Dividing assets in a divorce is never easy. But things can get even more complicated if one or both spouses own a business. If you own a business and your marriage is headed for divorce, the thought, “Will my spouse get half of my business?” will eventually cross your mind. If you own a… Read More »

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What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Female Divorce Lawyer?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

In an ideal world, gender should not matter when choosing a doctor, lawyer, or any other professional. However, we are far away from a perfect world where gender equality is the norm. According to the American Bar Association, women make up only 36% of all attorneys in the United States. While the country remains… Read More »

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‘Should I Stay in the Marital Home During the Divorce Proceedings in Florida?’

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When considering filing for divorce in Florida, this question will inevitably come up at one point or another. Deciding who will stay in the marital home during and after the divorce can become a contested issue as both spouses may be reluctant to move. But since residing in the marital home under the same… Read More »

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Situations in Which a Parent Can Surrender Certain Parental Rights in Florida

By Donna Hung Law Group |

It is not easy to be a parent, especially if you are a divorced parent sharing custody with your former spouse. Certain situations and events in life may affect your custody and timesharing arrangement. In some cases, a parent may feel the need to surrender certain parental rights to others, including their own parent…. Read More »

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Dating After Divorce in Florida: When Is It the Right Time?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Getting divorced is never an easy process. A divorce can be an emotionally-draining and heart-breaking experience. While you may not be ready to begin dating yet, the idea of finding a new romantic partner will not be as bizarre when your wounds heal. For many divorced people, reentering the dating world after divorce feels… Read More »

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Is Child Support Awarded When Both Parents Share Custody 50/50 in Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

One of the most common misconceptions about child support in Florida is that a judge may only order support if one parent has more custody than their former spouse. That’s not how child support works in Florida. To answer the question: yes, child support may be awarded when both parents split physical custody 50/50…. Read More »

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5 Options to Consider When Collaborative Divorce Doesn’t Work in Florida

By Donna Hung Law Group |

An increasing number of couples opt for a collaborative divorce as an alternative to litigation. Florida’s collaborative law presents a less adversarial approach to divorce, but what to do if collaborative divorce does not work? Unlike in traditional divorce litigation, spouses involved in a collaborative divorce have the freedom to agree upon a mutually… Read More »

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Can Text Messages Be Used as Evidence in a Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many people who go through a divorce wonder what kind of evidence can be used during the proceedings. Often, text messages with your spouse are the first thing that comes to mind. But can text messages be used as admissible evidence in court in Florida? Typically, spouses want to present text messages in a… Read More »

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When Can a Child Choose Who to Live with in a Florida Child Custody Case?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Getting divorced is a difficult decision on its own. However, if you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse have minor children, your divorce case can get even more complicated as you will have to make major decisions regarding custody. But how old does your child have to be to be able to choose who he or she… Read More »

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Is Your Spouse Entitled to the Funds in Your Separate Bank Account in a Florida Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

For the purposes of dividing property between spouses in a divorce, the name on a bank account does not necessarily mean that the spouse whose name is listed on the account will receive 100% of the funds. Thus, your spouse might be entitled to your separate bank account during the equitable division of property…. Read More »

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