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Be Wary Of Your Social Media Activity When Exiting A Marriage

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Many use their social media accounts daily. They use them for work communications, to check in with family members, make plans with friends, and connect with news, activities, and entertainers. While social media posts can be informative and entertaining, active users need to be cautious about their social media activity during a divorce. If… Read More »

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Parent Relocation And Your FL Parenting Agreement

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Moving is attractive for a range of reasons at different points in people’s lives. It is possible, following a divorce, that you have been offered a great career opportunity in another city or you would like to move back to your home state to enjoy the company and support of your family members and… Read More »

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Supporting Teens When Parents Split Up

By Donna Hung Law Group |

A separation or divorce is difficult for everyone in the family. If you have children, recognize that each age range will process the information in a different way. When you notice your teen distancing themselves from friends and activities they have enjoyed in the past, it may be time to connect with them and… Read More »

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Healing Yourself And Your Family After A Florida Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Ending a union can be complicated. Even when a divorce is amicable, there can be roadblocks when crafting a divorce agreement. And naturally, things become more complex when one spouse is surprised by the divorce announcement and fights the process each step of the way. A divorce that is unwanted can be extremely distressing…. Read More »

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Deciding To Pursue A Premarital Agreement Or Not

By Donna Hung Law Group |

A contract between individuals planning to wed, a premarital agreement or prenup is a tool that can help couples set clear guidelines about how finances will be handled should the marriage not last. They can be beneficial in a wide range of situations and are not only for the uber wealthy. Business owners, individuals… Read More »

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Coping During An Orlando Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Experiencing negative emotions and high levels of stress is common when a person is in the process of divorcing their spouse. Some are able to compartmentalize their feelings while others have difficulty performing daily tasks. Understanding that support is available can be helpful, along with prioritizing the need to recognize and cope with your… Read More »

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What If I Don’t Pay Child Support In Florida?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

If a Florida court ordered you to make regular child support payments, there will be penalties if you do not follow through on this obligation. A late payment will result in a late notice, and if there is no payment following that request, further action could be taken by the state. Consequences can be… Read More »

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Changing Your Name When You Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While not all women take their husband’s last name, it is still a tradition many follow when they get married. If you switched from your maiden name to your spouse’s name, or if you choose to hyphenate your name, you may be considering changing to your maiden name when you divorce. There are many… Read More »

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Components To A Strong Support System During A Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The end of a marriage is upsetting and emotional. Because it is both the beginning of a new journey and the close of a former union, it is a time when it is common for people to reassess their life goals. Divorce is difficult, but when you have a strong support system, it can… Read More »

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When Is It Time To Divorce?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Contemplating if you should end a marriage or not for years before moving toward divorce is common. Divorce is a huge, life-altering decision. Many have to spend time thinking about the impact a divorce will have on their families, lifestyle, and financial stability before coming to the conclusion that divorce is the best choice…. Read More »

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