Category Archives: Collaborative Divorce

Legal Differences Between Mediation and Litigation
The path you pursue to end a marital union will affect the outcome and experience. In Florida, divorcing couples can choose to resolve their issues through mediation or traditional litigation. Have a conversation with an Orlando family lawyer to grasp the key distinctions between these two approaches and make an informed decision on which… Read More »

What is the Difference Between a Collaborative and a Cooperative Divorce?
When couples decide to end a marriage, they often want to avoid a contentious courtroom battle. This makes sense, court disputes are often long, emotional, and expensive. Thankfully, there are a range of other options available. Two alternative approaches that prioritize cooperation over conflict are collaborative and cooperative divorces. Both methods aim for an… Read More »

Neutral Professionals and a Cooperative Divorce
A cooperative divorce is an approach where both parties and their attorneys agree to negotiate and settle all aspects of the divorce, including property division, child custody, and support arrangements, in a manner that minimizes conflict and promotes mutual respect. While the cooperative process is similar to a collaborative divorce, there are differences. Both… Read More »

What Makes a Collaborative Divorce Process Unique?
When a couple decides a marriage is no longer working, they have various options when it comes to ending the union. One approach is a collaborative divorce process, which has gained popularity as it focuses on mutual respect, open communication, and cooperation. Talk to an Orlando family lawyer about where you are today and… Read More »

Coping With A Combative Or Vindictive Ex During And Post-Divorce In Orlando
Divorce and fighting are synonymous aren’t they? While it is true that a draining or abusive relationship may lead to divorce, it does not mean that the divorce itself has to be a messy drama. But preventing an all-out battle is a two-way street. How do you deal with an ex who is vindictive… Read More »

Gray Divorce In Orlando
Divorce rates among middle aged couples and retirees in Florida continue to skyrocket. Over the past two decades, divorce rates have leveled off, but among the elderly age bracket have actually increased substantially. There are several theories for why this is currently occurring. First, divorce is no longer something to be ashamed of and… Read More »

Is Therapy A Prerequisite To Seeking Divorce In Orlando?
You caught your spouse of sixteen years cheating, and you have reason to suspect this was not the first time. They are remorseful now and promise that if you both go to couples therapy, you can work through the issues that led them to commit adultery in the first place. You know a divorce… Read More »

What Happens When Collaborative Divorce Does Not Work?
Using collaborative law to get a divorce offers many benefits. To name a few: Collaborative divorce is less expensive than traditional litigation, it can help you finalize your divorce faster, and you can enjoy enhanced control over the process. An increasing number of couples in Florida opt for collaborative divorce as a cheaper, less… Read More »

What is the Cost of a Collaborative Divorce in Florida?
Collaborative divorce offers many benefits to people looking to end their marriage. There are many reasons why partners opt for collaborative law over traditional methods of divorce. One of the most notable benefits of collaborative law is the ability to cut divorce costs. How Much Does a Collaborative Divorce Cost? In 2020, researchers estimated… Read More »

What Are You Expected to Do in Florida’s Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative Law is a trendier, healthier, and cheaper alternative to traditional divorce litigation. While everyone knows that you get more control over your divorce through the collaborative divorce process, people are slightly confused about what is expected of them during this process. Unlike in the traditional divorce trial, where the judge has the authority… Read More »