Category Archives: Parenting Plan

Using Electronic Communication to Exercise Parenting Time
Any divorced or separated parent who shares child custody knows how precious the time with their child is, and that the demands of work, school, and outside activities can make it difficult to exercise parenting time as frequently as the child and parent would like. Having a consistent and meaningful relationship with a child… Read More »

Divorcing a Spouse with an Addiction
There are many reasons a marriage may not last, and addiction or substance abuse is one of the more common issues. This dynamic puts very large and overwhelming stresses on a marriage that destabilize interaction and rob the other spouse of trust and faith in the addicted spouse’s ability to do what is best… Read More »

The Role of Supervised Visitation in Child Custody
Children do best when both parents are fully involved in their lives, both physically and informationally. This standard rests on the presumption that parents are best fit to raise their children without undue interference from the State. In practice, this paradigm means parents are granted parenting time free from supervision by the other parent… Read More »

Using Social Investigations to Resolve Child Custody Disputes
Divorce puts a lot of strain on the ability of parents to see eye-to-eye about how to divide parenting responsibilities and childrearing in general. When parents reach an impasse on this issue, a court will need to step in and decide how to arrange parenting time and decision-making responsibilities. These core aspects of child… Read More »

How School Designation Can Affect Parenting Plans
Florida is among a growing number of States that orient child custody around parenting plans that provide for shared, and preferably, equal responsibility for childcare and decision-making. Among the most important decisions a parent makes for a child is the school he/she attends, and unless the parents are willing and able to pay for… Read More »

Child Custody Across Borders
Negotiating child custody is fraught with opportunities for disagreement and conflict. The farther apart parents live, the more likely they will come to odds over where the child should spend the majority of his/her time. When disputes over the terms of child custody, or the enforcement of a standing order, arise, and parents live… Read More »

Coping with Parental Alienation in Shared Custody
Children almost always benefit from having active and consistent involvement from both parents. To facilitate this dynamic when child custody is shared, both parents must be willing to work together to encourage and foster the relationship with the other parent. Parents that badmouth a former spouse in the front of their child are known… Read More »

New Law on Child Custody for Deployed Parents
Active members of the military on deployment who share child custody often have limited availability to communicate, and logistically, are unable to be present for events and face-to-face time until the tour is over. How to deal with this situation, particularly to ensure relatives related to the deployed parent have adequate time with the… Read More »

Religious Disagreement and Child Custody
The tension between religion and parenting is an issue that can create a large gulf between spouses who cannot agree. Religion is one of those pivotal issues that can bring people together or drive them apart. When parents separate or divorce and cannot agree on the religious upbringing of their child, the opportunity for… Read More »

New Parenting Laws Go into Effect for 2018
Settling child custody issues with an estranged spouse or partner is one of the most difficult issues a parent will undertake. Sharing time and decision-making responsibilities for a child with someone a person no longer wants to be around is often challenging at best, and can be untenable in some situations. Unmarried parents frequently… Read More »