Collaborative Law is the Future of Family Law

Collaborative law is an advanced practice of law created to assist families in bringing resolution to their disputes related to family law. Even the worst and most difficult disputes are held in an open, courteous, truthful, rational and dignified atmosphere.
For the most part, the family law court system has often served as an ineffective process to resolve the difficulties a family crippled by the divorce process faces. For decades, family law attorneys have witnessed many of their clients burn tons money and endure massive amounts of anxiety, stress, and anguish litigating their family law problems in court. By the time most families finish litigating their case, everyone is left in emotional ruin and financial troubles, without even having an actual winner. Everyone loses in most of the traditional family law disputes.
Collaborative professionals and lawyers are specially trained in resolving disputes without employing adversarial tactics. All of the tactics and strategies usually used during litigation, such as deception, posturing, threats and intimidation, are not utilized. The key focus of collaborative family law is reaching a reasonable and just solution or settlement.
Types of Family Law Cases Where Collaborative Law can be Applied
In 2016, the Collaborative Law Process Act was passed in the State of Florida. Since then, it has been used in all types of family law cases.
Collaborative law is most often used in divorce cases. It permits both spouses and their lawyers the autonomy to break away from litigation. Instead, efforts are applied to negotiations. Each spouse is treated fairly and with respect, which makes the soon to be ex-spouses feel like they are working together to achieve a common goal, as opposed to fighting it out in a courtroom.
As a result, more creative and mutually beneficial support agreements, property divisions and custody arrangements are made. This may save ex-spouses from experiencing bad emotions and hate towards each other, which is especially beneficial when children are involved.
Additionally, collaborative law can be used in the following types of cases:
- A couple’s division of complex assets or businesses
- Alimony and other spousal support agreements
- Child custody decisions
- Child visitation arrangements
- Child support agreements
- Time-sharing
- Formalizing family arrangements
- Paternity actions
- Modifications
- Relocation
Traditional disputes in the family court system are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Collaborative law is a revolutionary and cost-effective way to solve family law disputes in the 21st century.
Don’t Hesitate to Contact an Experienced Collaborative Family Law Attorney
A well-informed Orlando attorney at Donna Hung Law Group can assist you is deciding whether or not the collaborative law approach is right for your particular case. Our team will do their best to advise you through your challenging time.
Since family law matters are often stressful and overrun with emotions, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible. It is critical for you to hire the most qualified attorney to represent you.
The knowledgeable and friendly Orlando divorce lawyers at the Donna Hung Law Group make a personal commitment to provide every single client the highest possible level of legal service. Contact us online or call at 407-999-0099 to discuss your family law matters further.