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Orlando Alimony Lawyer

Are you seeking spousal support? Are you concerned about paying spousal support? These are very legitimate questions that often arise at the very outset of a divorce filing. Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be ordered to be paid at the beginning of divorce proceedings and can continue for years into the future, even permanently. Whether you would be paying or receiving support, Orlando alimony lawyer Donna Hung and the Donna Hung Law Group can provide the representation you need to protect your rights and interests to a fair and satisfactory outcome regarding alimony in your Florida divorce. Read on to learn more about alimony in divorce and how the Donna Hung Law Group in Orlando can help.

Florida Alimony Facts

Contrary to popular belief, alimony is not automatically awarded in every divorce, and it is not something that only the ex-husband pays to the ex-wife. Either party can request alimony, and alimony is only granted if the requesting party can prove that the need for alimony exists and the other party has the ability to pay. The party being asked to pay alimony may challenge the request and argue that alimony is not justified. Our attorneys are knowledgeable in Florida alimony laws and are skilled advocates who can argue on your behalf in court to get the result you desire.

There are different types of alimony which can be granted for different reasons. The following kinds of alimony are recognized by Florida law:

  • Bridge-the-gap – can last up to two years to address short-term needs in the transition from married to single life
  • Rehabilitative – awarded as needed to help a person get the education or training necessary to become self-supporting
  • Durational – economic assistance for a set period of time when a permanent award is inappropriate
  • Permanent – granted to allow a former spouse to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage. Permanent alimony is more likely for marriages that lasted 17 years or more and rare for marriages that lasted less than seven years. This type of alimony is only given when the need for alimony is proven, and no other form of alimony is fair and reasonable under the circumstances.

After a court has determined that alimony is appropriate, the judge may look at a number of different factors to decide the type and amount of alimony to award. Some of these factors are:

  • The standard of living established during the marriage
  • The duration of the marriage
  • The age and health of the parties
  • Each party’s financial resources
  • Each party’s earning capacity
  • The contributions made by either party to the marriage
  • Each party’s parenting responsibilities

How is alimony determined in Florida?

Florida courts consider several factors when determining alimony, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, the standard of living during the marriage, and contributions made by each spouse. The requesting spouse must prove a financial need, and the other spouse must have the ability to pay. Judges can award different types of alimony depending on the circumstances of the case.

What types of alimony are available in Florida?

Florida recognizes several types of alimony, including bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, and permanent alimony. Bridge-the-gap alimony covers short-term financial needs, rehabilitative alimony helps a spouse gain education or job training, and durational alimony provides support for a set period. Permanent alimony is rare and typically reserved for long-term marriages where one spouse cannot achieve financial independence.

Can alimony be modified or terminated in Florida?

Yes, alimony can be modified or terminated if there is a substantial change in circumstances, such as a significant increase or decrease in income, retirement, or the recipient spouse remarrying. A court must approve any modification, and the party requesting the change must present evidence justifying the adjustment. If you believe your alimony order should be changed, consulting a family law attorney can help you navigate the process.

How the Donna Hung Law Group can Help

If you are seeking or challenging alimony in court, you will need to make legal arguments based on facts. We thoroughly investigate the facts and evidence to build a strong case as to whether or not alimony is justified, and what type and amount of alimony is appropriate. Our attorneys are strong, effective advocates who can make persuasive arguments for your interests. Also, once alimony is granted, an award can later be modified or terminated, but only on a showing of a substantial change of circumstances that would justify the modification or termination. Our lawyers can likewise be your voice in any post-divorce alimony hearing to change or end spousal support.

Call for Experienced Legal Representation in Orlando Alimony Matters

If you are going through a divorce or have an alimony matter in the Orlando courts, call the Donna Hung Law Group at 407-999-0099 to speak with a team of experienced and knowledgeable Orlando divorce lawyers.

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