Orlando Child Relocation Lawyer
Does your job require you to move out of state or a significant distance away from your former spouse? Do you need to move to be closer to family, or are you simply ready to make a fresh start in a new place? Either during or after a divorce, it is not uncommon for a parent who has custody of a child (or who is seeking custody of a child) to wish to relocate. However, relocating with a child can be difficult and may require court permission depending upon the relocation distance. If you want to relocate with your child, or have questions about your ex-spouse’s relocation and how that will affect parenting and timesharing, our experienced Orlando relocation lawyers at the Donna Hung Law Group can answer your questions and provide you with experienced legal counsel.
Florida Relocation Laws
First, it is important to know what is meant by “relocation.” Rather than simply a move alone, relocation, as it pertains to Florida laws, means a move in the principal residence of a parent that:
- Is at least 50 miles from the current place of residence/place of residence at the time of the court-order regarding parenting time/custody; and
- Lasts for at least 60 consecutive days.
If one of the parents wants to move for 60 days or more, or a distance that is 50 miles or more away from their current residence, there are two ways that they can legally do this.
First, parents may agree to relocation, known as relocation by agreement. When parents agree to relocation, they must further come to an agreement regarding a time-sharing schedule and transportation of the child.
If parents are not in agreement about relocation, then the relocation-seeking parent must file a petition with the court. Then, the petition must be served upon the other parent, who must answer the petition. If the relocation is contested, parents may need to go to court to reach a solution.
How Our Law Firm Can Help You
We understand that relocation can be a very touchy subject for parents; you surely want the best for your child, but also may be worried about whether or not you will be able to spend time with your child if you or your spouse move. In some cases, however, relocation may be very necessary for health or financial reasons, employment or educational opportunities, or other personal reasons.
When you have questions about relocation, need to relocate, or are opposed to the relocation of you child’s other parent, our legal team is ready to advocate for you. We can assist in preparing a relocation agreement or petition, ensuring all legal “i”s are dotted and “t”s are crossed, serving or responding to a petition, presenting your case to a court, and more.
What is considered child relocation under Florida law?
In Florida, relocation is defined as a move of at least 50 miles from the child’s principal residence for at least 60 consecutive days. If a parent plans to relocate, they must obtain either the other parent’s consent or court approval. This law is in place to ensure that relocation decisions are made in the best interest of the child and do not disrupt the existing custody or timesharing arrangements.
How can I get court approval for child relocation?
If both parents agree to the relocation, they can create a written agreement that includes a revised timesharing schedule and transportation arrangements. If the other parent does not agree, the relocating parent must file a petition with the court. The judge will consider various factors, including the child’s relationship with both parents, the reason for the move, and how it will impact the child’s well-being, before making a decision.
Can I prevent my ex from relocating with our child?
Yes, if your ex is attempting to relocate without your consent, you have the right to contest it in court. You must file an objection within 20 days of being served with the relocation petition, explaining why the move is not in the child’s best interest. The court will evaluate factors such as the impact on your timesharing rights, the child’s stability, and any alternative arrangements before making a ruling.
Contact Our Orlando Family Relocation Lawyers Today
If you need to relocate, or have been approached by your former spouse about relocation, do not hesitate to take legal action. It is important to act quickly to protect your best interest. Our Orlando child relocation lawyers are here for you – contact the Donna Hung Law Group today for your initial consultation.