Tag Archives: Division of Marital Property

Dividing the Marital Estate When Assets vs Income Is Lopsided
The longer a couple is married, the harder it typically is to divide property acquired during marriage if divorce becomes a reality. Couples tend to accumulate a wide variety of assets and liabilities over time, but in some relationships, there may be a distinct lack of valuable assets to divide. This situation, while not… Read More »

A Spouse’s Right to Asset Appreciation of Separate Property in Divorce
When couples get married, each brings aspects of their single lives into the marriage, including previously-acquired property. Solely-owned assets do not necessarily directly benefit the marriage, but they can become a point of contention when property is divided in divorce. Unless the couples privately agree otherwise, each spouse will walk away with a share… Read More »

Figuring Out How to Divide Credit Card Debt during Divorce
One of the hardest parts of any divorce is settling which spouse should be responsible for debt. Some financial obligations are easier to address, such as the marital home, which can be sold if necessary to get rid of a large mortgage, but other obligations, credit card debt especially, can lead to heated disputes…. Read More »